Friday, September 23, 2011

snowmen!!- and they're ready for some football!!

I found this pattern for these little crocheted snowmen in a craft magazine and thought they were too cute so of course, I had to make one- which turned into a few, and then a few more!lol. I love snowmen, and they are one of the few things that I collect (along with owls), but I am by no means an obsessed collector! I like to 'collect' snowmen that I make myself- but sometimes I can't resist those cute little faces on the store-bought ones. So here's some of the snowmen that I made- I did one Xmas-y and the other more snowy. After I made the first few I thought, how can I make this little guy even more adorable? So I looked over and saw Gio's Jets blanket and decided that was it, these snowmen would be football fans! Perfect! Here's my first one that I made, Jets of course!- but I did make a few other teams too since not everyone shares my love of the best team in football! Until next time, Happy Crafting!!!

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