Friday, September 16, 2011

fabric flowers

I've been wanting to try and make some fabric flowers- the kind with the melted edges- for a while now. So, the other day I was at the fabric store and I happened to find some remnants that were on clearance that I thought would be perfect to try it out. There's a lot of tutorials out there on how to make these, but it's really pretty basic. If you can cut circles (or random circle-like shapes) and light a candle, then you too can make these! I should've taken pictures of the steps as I was making the flowers but I forgot, so here's what I did.

1. Cut circles  (or other random shapes) out of fabric. The circles should vary in size by 1/2", for example, my largest circle was 4" diameter, and each circle was decreased by a 1/2" down to the center petal which was 1" diameter. You can make them any size, as this is just a suggestion.The fabric has to be satin, organza, or something similar. You can get creative here and either mix colors or types of fabrics.
2. Light a candle, and start to move the circles around the flame to singe and melt the edges of the petals. Some fabrics melt and curl quicker so I recommend trying it out first on a scrap piece of your fabric before curling your actual petals.
3. Stack the petals up with the larger ones on the bottom and the smallest in the center.
4. Sew the petals together in the middle with small stitches (so that they don't show later when finishing). I took about 4 or 5 stitches just to hold the petals in place.
5. Cut out a small circle of felt and glue to the back using craft glue. This will give the flower a little stability and give you a place to attach a pin or clip.
6. To finish, I hot glued a small rhinstone to the center to cover up the stitches where the petals are attached. You can use beads, pearls, buttons, or any other smal embellishment. I also hot glued a pin to the felt circle on the back.
7. Wear your fabulous new pin! I like mine on my bag, but they would look great on a tshirt or cardigan too.

If you would like to see the steps in pictures, check out this site. Their flower is a little different than mine but it's the same basic idea:
Until next time, Happy Crafting!!

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