Thursday, September 8, 2011

fall WIP's

I've been working on so many different projects lately but haven't completely finished any. I've learned when working with felt, it's easiest to cut out everything first, then do any hand sewing and details and finally, glue and finish! I'm used to having a lot of WIP's (works in progress) when I'm knitting and crocheting, since I get bored with one project and have to switch back and forth.

The felt harvest banner is almost done, it just needs a few finishing touches. I think that I'm past the hardest part- all the cutting and hand stitching so it's almost there. I forgot how long hand sewing really takes! Here's the link to the original project: Of course, I made a few changes, color wise mostly, to use up felt scraps that I already had. The banner background is a 9 x 12" felt sheet so it's a relatively small project.

The other project that I'm working on now is a Halloween garland. I saw the idea on this site: 
Of course, I made a few changes like hand sewing the shapes since the sewing machine and I don't always get along so well! lol. Also, the site didn't have any templates so I had to search on google for shapes and adjust them to fit. All the shapes are cut, sewn and stuffed, and all that's left is to attach them to a piece of ribbon for hanging- and maybe attach some little bows to each critter. Pictures to follow of the finished products,but until then...
Happy Crafting!!

1 comment:

  1. Love the fall banne, and the Halloween garland is going to be cute can't wait to see the finished picture!
